Open Roles
Boundless Job Openings

Django Developer


Reliable / dependable
Detail oriented
Learnability / Knowledgable
Responsive / Rapid


1. Project Overview: - Can you provide a brief overview of the project? What are the main functionalities and features of the application?
2. Performance Issues: - What specific performance issues are currently being observed? - Are there any particular areas or functionalities where these issues are more pronounced?
3. AWS Deployment and Services: - Which AWS services are currently being used for hosting and deploying the application?
4. Previous Development Team: - What can you share about the history of the development team who worked on this codebase? Understanding why there's no documentation and why the original team is no longer involved might provide valuable context. - Since there's no other developer, is there someone available who can provide insights into the business logic of the project?
5. Existing Bugs and Features: - Could you list some of the known bugs that need to be addressed immediately? - Are there any small features or improvements currently planned?
6. Codebase and Documentation: - In the absence of documentation, how complex is the existing codebase?
7. Part-Time Engagement Details: - Could you elaborate on the expected workload and hours per week?
8. Transition and Retirement Plan: - What will happen to the project after it retires in the next 6 months?
Thanks again and I look forward to discussing the project in person soon.

1. Can you provide an overview of the enterprise application's architecture and its main functionalities? 2. Are there any specific bugs or performance issues that you have already identified and would like me to prioritize? 3. Could you describe the kind of features you envision adding to the application in the coming months? 4. Since there's no existing documentation or developer handover, what methods or tools have been used so far to manage the application's codebase and track issues? 5. What are your expectations regarding hours per week and response time, considering this is a part-time, sporadic role?

1. What is the development process (i.e., the workflow from finding a bug/performance issue to fix being accepted and deployed) and how many developers will work on the project? I assume only myself, since you want to retire the app eventually and only need to keep it on life support. 2. Is the app currently mission-critical? 3. Any possibility of more work after the app is retired?

1. What's the current state of deployment processes for the project? Do you have CI/CD pipelines in place? 2. Has the application been equipped with a comprehensive suite of test cases? 3. Could you highlight some of the high-priority issues the application is facing right now?

One question I have is: Could you provide some insight into the main challenges your application is currently facing? Understanding the specific performance issues and bugs would help me prepare more effectively for our call.

I'm eager to learn more about the project and the required tech stack

Could you provide more details about the specific performance issues and bugs in the enterprise application? Any insights you can share about the overall structure? This would be helpful. Asking this because there's no docs available and I'd like to better understand the application architecture.

Are you looking for more than one developer?

Company and Project:
* More details about the specific application being developed: Its purpose, target audience, current stage of development, and any unique challenges it faces. * The company culture and team structure: What it's like to work there, who I'd be collaborating with, and the team's approach to development. * Technical stack beyond Django and Vue: Are there any additional frameworks, libraries, or tools I should be familiar with?
Role and Requirements:
* Specific details about the day-to-day responsibilities: What would a typical day look like in this role? * Expectations for performance and contributions: What metrics would be used to measure success? * Growth and learning opportunities: How does the company support professional development and learning new skills?
Additional Information:
* Timeline for the hiring process: When can I expect to hear back after the call? * Compensation and benefits package: What can I expect in terms of salary, benefits, and other perks?
This is just a starting point, and I'm sure other questions will come up after watching the video. I'm excited to learn more about this opportunity and see if it's a good fit for both of us.
Thanks again for your time and consideration, and I look forward to the video and scheduling the call!

Here are a few questions I have that you might address in the video: - Could you provide a high-level overview of the enterprise application, specifically its primary functions and user base? - What are the key performance issues and bugs currently affecting the application? - Are there any specific areas or features within the application where these issues are more prevalent? - What small features are anticipated to be added in the coming months before the application is retired? - Can you describe the current AWS infrastructure setup and any known infrastructure-related issues?
This information will help me better understand the scope and context of the project, allowing us to have a more focused conversation about my potential contributions during the call.

1. Why are you going to retire this application after 6 months? Are you developing another better application that can be used instead of it? 2. What are the Amazon Web Services you are using now? There are so many services including AWS EC2, AWS S3 bucket, AWS RDS, AWS Amplify, AWS Lambda, etc.
3. Have you got any detailed list about bugs and performance issues?

A basic overview of the project/team and more details of upcoming development would be nice.

I'm curious about the details. What the tasks are, when the work should be started, etc. Would you be open to a quick chat to discuss everything together?

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